Character Humility Total Obedience

A Teachable Spirit

Proverbs 9:9
”Instruct a wise man, and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man, and he will increase his learning.”

Teachable Hearts – Teachability stems from humility. When we have an open heart to learn, we are positioning ourselves to receive direction, wisdom and instruction from others and from God himself. A teachable heart is one that is willing to receive truth which is facilitated by the Holy Spirit. Being teachable leads to positive change that makes us become more like Christ from the inside out.

We must pray that our children have teachable hearts and the humility that goes with it. The Holy Spirit living within them has all the answers to those questions that sometimes consume their conscience. We must pray that they will listen to God’s internal promptings against the external noise. We must pray that God will give them the curiosity to learn more about Him so that they can grow into a closer relationship with God.

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