Character Wisdom & Knowledge

The Application of Wisdom

Proverbs 16:20
”He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good: and whoso trusteth in the LORD, happy is he.”

The Application of Wisdom – Our children face decisions and dilemmas every day. The bible says there are two things needed for success – wisdom (Ecclesiastes 10:10), and faith (Matthew 17:20). Wisdom, the power of right judgement will help our children make the right decisions and take the right path when presented with varied options.

Where is wisdom then to be found? In the inspired word of God and from God himself (James 1:5). The book of proverbs is a minefield of wisdom. If we help our children immerse themselves in the word of God, we will see them accumulate true wisdom to deal with life’s difficulties which will in turn secure God’s blessing and protection as well as bring great joy to us as mums.

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