count it all joy
Fruit of The Spirit God's Promises Joy

Counting it all Joy

James 1:2 – Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds

In the world we live in, we are bound to face many trials. When Jesus was leaving the earth, he told his disciples that they were going to be persecuted, face trials and hated for His sake.

This bible verse is a reminder that when we face these trials, rather than look at them as negative situations, we are reminded to see them how Jesus taught us to – as joy.

It can be very difficult to see negative situations, trials and hard times as joy when you are right in the middle of it; but we are reminded in Nehemiah 8:10 that it is not our joy, rather it is the joy of the Lord.

We pray that our children will lean into God for joy even in the hardest times and we pray that they will always find the joy of the Lord in whatever difficult situation they may face in Jesus name. Amen

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