Living For Christ

Giving God Audience

1 Samuel 3:10
”And the LORD came and called as before, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel replied, “Speak, your servant is listening.”

Listening for God’s voice – Notice how God waited for Samuel to recognise he was calling before he began to speak. God called out to him a few times, Samuel didn’t realise it was God calling and Eli had to instruct him on how to respond before God gave Samuel the message in the verses that follow.

Our children are faced with a lot of noise as they go through life; however we must remember that God yearns to speak to their hearts, directing them and showing them the way he ought them to go. But like Samuel, God will not speak until we give him the audience. Like Samuel, they may not hear an audible voice but we are assured that God speaks in various ways and through various mediums.

Just as God speaks, the enemy also speaks so let us pray today that our children will seek to listen and yield to God’s voice and that they will learn to recognise the voice of God and be able to distinguish God’s voice from the enemy’s voice.

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