
Strength to Overcome Challenges

1 John 4:4
”You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

Helping our Children through Challenges – Challenges are a part of life. The world is an ever-changing place. The challenges our children face today are radically different to the set of challenges faced by generations which have come before them. Some challenges will make them who they are, and some will reveal to them a part of themselves that they don’t realise exists.

We all handle challenges differently as adults, and so do our children. They are faced with struggles that we will never fully understand and questions that we will never fully be able to answer. Sometimes, they just need to experience these challenges to get them prepared for the next stages of their lives.  

As mums and carers, we must do our best to help, guide and steer our children through these challenges, but our priority should be asking God to lead them through the path he has designed for them in their life’s journey. When the challenges of life hit our children head-on, looking to the Lord on behalf of our children in prayer and faith, is the best support we can offer to our children. 

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