Living For Christ

Standing For Christ

Matthew 5:10
”Blessed are those having been persecuted on account of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of the heavens.”

When Persecution for Christ Arises – Being persecuted doesn’t seem like an honour, but in Matthew 5:10, Jesus gives those who are persecuted for righteousness sake a great promise. Note that persecution arising from unrighteous behaviour is not blessed. If we fail to do what is right through our own fault, we should expect to suffer the negative consequences of our actions – this is not persecution. Jesus is talking about the blessing of being persecuted for doing what is right.

If we live the life that God has called us to live – a godly lifestyle, it will be impossible to not stand out from everyone living the way of the world. If you are spiritually minded, you will expose the worldly-mindedness of those around you. Standing out isn’t always easy, we are often scared of the repercussion which may include mockery, insults etc. However, Jesus says we must welcome persecution, we must let our light shine in a dark world.

In the face of persecution,  Jesus’ followers have two reasons to rejoice and be glad. First, we know that God rewards those who suffer for their faith, and secondly, the reward is the kingdom of heaven. It won’t be a temporary kingdom that fades with time, it is a kingdom that lasts forever and ever.

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