Living Right

Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

Matthew 5:6
”Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”

Hunger for Righteousness? – Righteousness isn’t worked for, we are made righteous by God through faith. Jesus offers us his righteousness, like putting a spotless garment over our sin and through faith, God sees us in Jesus’s righteousness and not in our sinful attire. We therefore take on the image of God through His son Jesus Christ and so become more like him in our words, attitudes and deeds.

The hunger for righteousness means yearning to live as Christ, whose image we now bear. Sometimes, the desire for the applause of men can cause us to turn our attention towards achieving everything else apart from what Christ set for us as the priority – seeking His Kingdom (Matthew 6:33). The hunger for righteousness means craving God’s approval in all we do; it means having the passion to do what is right in God’s eyes not man. Jesus promises us that all who hunger for righteousness will be satisfied. 

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