Selfless heart

Selfless Heart

Matthew 5:4
”Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”

What does it mean to mourn? – The mourning being referred here by Jesus talks about an acknowledgement of sin and the godly sorrow which leads to repentance. The kind of sorrow that helps us advance our way into salvation. It also means to stand in the gap for ourselves and the people around us. Stand with people who are facing a difficult situation, weep with those who weep – being selfless.

The promise of being comforted from Jesus goes beyond any kind of ordinary comfort. It’s the comfort from a God who is willing to accept us back no matter how bad the mistakes we’ve made are; it’s the God who knows everything, it’s the comfort of a God who can change situations. It’s the assurance that he’s in control and has the best plans for us. The plans of good and not of evil; to bring us to our expected end.

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