Living For Christ

Saying No to All Appearances of Evil

1 Thessalonians 5:22
”Abstain from all appearance of evil.”

Saying No to Evil in All its Forms – To avoid the appearance of evil, or every form of evil, means to stay as far as possibly away from evil. It means we are able to say no to enticing or worldly desires the enemy brings our way. It means that as children of God, we make no provision to gratify the fleshly desires (Romans 13:14)

If our children fail to resist temptation, it will leave them open to sin and the dangers it comes with. Let’s face it – children are naturally impulsive, they like to explore, that’s the truth. However, instilling the word of God daily in our children will help them to develop the spiritual skillset necessary to be continuously victorious.

Our prayer should be this: that our children will flee any appearance of evil by living in God’s light through the Power of the Holy Spirit. We must keep praying that they will take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness but instead, expose them (Ephesians 5:11). That our children will not worry about the perception of others but about the integrity of their walk with Christ. 

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